Kamis, 30 Januari 2014


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Kata Mutiara Motivasi Mario Teguh

Janganlah nilai orang dari masa lalunya sebab kita semua sudah tak hidup di sana. Semua orang dapat berubah, biarkanlah mereka membuktikannya. 
Pria, bila wanita marah, ajak dia berbelanja atau ke salon. Maka niscaya amarahnya akan langsung hilang. 
Senyuman merupakan obat gratis yang mampu untuk membuat awet muda serta menambah kecantikan/ketampanan dengan instan serta otomatis. 
Orang yang sombong biasanya akan suka mengatakan hal yang berlebihan yang mana sebenarnya tak ada padanya. 
Janganlah sedih jika belum dipromosi sebab tak pandai cari muka, karena 'muka' akan datang bila anda tetap bekerja dengan hati. 
Wanita bijak bagaikan angsa di atas air. Anggun tapi tetap bekerja. Tetap tegar meskipun terluka. 
Lebih mudah untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan benar ketimbang menjelaskan mengapa Anda tak melakukannya dengan benar. 
Kesabaran memang penuh ujian, bila anda selalu lulus, maka kemenangan itu akan permanen selamanya. 
Wahai Yang Maha Cinta, sandingkan aku dengan jiwa pilihan-Mu, yang sebab kebaikanku, baikkanlah ia, namun bila ia lebih baik, maka baikkanlah aku. 
Janganlah sedih jika sekarang masih dipandang sebelah mata, buktikanlah kalau anda layak untuk mendapatkan kedua matanya. 
Orang yang dapat mengendalikan emosinya ialah pemenang hidup sejati. 
Perhatikanlah di sekitar Anda, ternyata selalu saja orang yang rendah hati yang hidupnya damai, sejahtera, serta terhormat. Kerendahan hati merupakan bakat untuk ditinggikan 
Yang optimis akan mengatakan Terima kasih, akan saya coba. namun yang pesimis akan berkata Ah, tak semudah itu. 
Lebih baik mencintai dan terluka, ketimbang bersembunyi ketakutan dalam hidup yang hampa cinta. Sebab ... Memanglah cinta tak menjamin kebahagiaan, namun tak ada kebahagiaan tanpa cinta. 
Bersyukur itu tak berhenti pada menerima apa adanya saja, namun terutama bekerja keras untuk mengadakan yang terbaik. 
Kadang Anda harus membuat keputusan untuk mengalah, atau Anda akan kehilangan dia yang Anda cinta hanya karena Anda keras kepala. 
Bila Anda berani, Anda bertindak. Bila Anda takut, Anda akan berkata ini harus dipertimbangkan dengan matang.

Source-> http://terbarux.blogspot.com/2013/11/kata-mutiara-motivasi-mario-teguh.html
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Kata-kata bijak Mario Teguh


1. Selama kita masih hidup tidak ada hukuman; yang ada adalah peringatan agar kita memperbaiki diri. 

2. Perhatikanlah, ternyata selalu orang yang rendah hati di antara kita-lah yang hidupnya damai, sejahtera, dan terhormat. Kerendahan hati adalah bakat untuk ditinggikan.

3. Bersyukur itu tidak berhenti pada menerima apa adanya saja, tapi terutama bekerja keras untuk mengadakan yang terbaik.

4. Lebih baik mencintai dan terluka, daripada bersembunyi ketakutan dalam hidup yang hampa cinta. Karena ... Memang cinta tidak menjamin kebahagiaan, tetapi tidak ada kebahagiaan tanpa cinta.

5. Bertindak walau tidak berani, adalah keberanian yang sesungguhnya.

6. Orang bijak tahu apa yang harus diketahuinya, dan karena dia ingin tidur dengan damai - dia juga tahu apa yang harus diabaikannya.

7. Hadiah pertama bagi yang melakukan kebaikan adalah kebaikan.

8. Jangan menantang berkelahi orang yang terlalu banyak untuk ditangani oleh malaikat pelindung Anda.

9. Meneruskan kehidupan dengan baik, meskipun ada yang iri dan membenci Anda. Live on!

10. Yang optimis akan berkata: Terima kasih, akan saya coba. Tapi yang pesimis akan bilang: Ah, gak semudah itu.

11. Jika Anda berani, Anda bertindak. Jika Anda takut, Anda akan bilang: Ini harus dipertimbangkan dengan matang.

12. Laki-laki yang memperlakukan kekasihnya dengan lembut pasti dibesarkan oleh wanita yang berkelas. Orang tua yang kasar akan membesarkan anak yang kasar kepada pasangannya. Berkenalan dengan orang tua kekasih bukanlah tanda akan melamar, tapi untuk mengenal kualitas pendidik anaknya. 

13. Guru yang paling pantas mengajar adalah orang yang mendidik keluarganya dengan baik.

14. Berhentilah mengkhawatirkan masa depan, syukurilah hari ini, dan hiduplah dengan sebaik-baiknya. 

15. Sesungguhnya, jika engkau menghabiskan jatah gagalmu, engkau mau tidak mau akan berhasil.

16. Terkadang orang yang paling kau inginkan justru yang paling harus kaujauhi.

17. Banyak anak gadis menjadi seperti ibunya, dan laki-laki seperti ayahnya. Dan mungkin itu sebab dari
berlanjutnya masalah yang sama. 

18. Katakanlah ini kepada orang yang mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak akan bisa: Watch me! Lalu buktikan bahwa Anda benar. 

19. Pembenci itu sangat pemilih, mereka hanya membenci orang yang hidupnya lebih baik daripada hidup mereka. 

20. Jika engkau ingin berbahagia, janganlah kau isi hatimu dengan kemarahan kepada orang yang bergembira jika engkau marah.

21. Hanya orang damai yang bisa mendamaikan. Orang tidak jujur tidak bisa damai. Orang lemah, kedamaiannya pendek. Hanya orang jujur dan kuat yang bisa damai dan panjang kedamaiannya. 

22. Kebutuhan besar membutuhkan disiplin yang lebih baik, bukan keluhan yang lebih banyak.

23. Abaikan orang yang mengatakan Anda sok tahu, jika hidupnya tidak lebih baik dari Anda. Woles aja! 99.99% orang yang bilang Anda sok tahu, adalah orang yang tidak tahu TAPI tidak tahu dirinya tidak tahu.

24. Bermimpilah yang sebesar-besarnya, tapi bersegeralah untuk mengerjakan sekecil-kecilnya kebaikan yang terdekat.

25. Tuhan, sukseskanlah aku semuda mungkin, agar bisa aku ajak orang tuaku beribadah ke Tanah Suci. Aamiin...

26. Dalam hidup ini ada dua macam orang, yang pandai mencari jalan, dan yang pandai mencari alasan. Mudah-mudahan Anda termasuk yang ikhlas mempelajari jalan-jalan naik ke kelas kehidupan yang lebih tinggi, dan bersegera melakukannya dengan sabar.

27. Cinta tidak buta. Anda masih bisa melihat kekurangan dan keburukan, tapi Anda tidak peduli. Dan kemudian menyesal. 

28. Jangan terlalu bersedih seperti itu. Laki-laki itu seperti bus di busway, setelah satu pergi, yang berikutnya datang. 

29. Sahabatku yang semoga keberuntungannya selalu dekat, ingatlah selalu bahwa ... "Bukan keberuntungan yang menjadikanmu bijak, tapi kebijakanmu lah yang menjadikanmu beruntung."

30. Meskipun tidak mudah, tapi obat terbaik bagi luka patah hati adalah jatuh cinta lagi.

31. Kita terlalu sibuk menginginkan dan mengejar yang besar, tanpa menyadari bahwa kehidupan ini dibangun dari hal-hal kecil yang dilakukan dengan kesungguhan besar. 

32. Sebagian besar masalah remaja adalah kebiasaan buruk yang dibiarkan menguat oleh orang tua yang tidak sempat memperhatikan, yang tidak tahu bahwa itu harus dicegah, atau yang tidak perduli.

33.  Di masa dewasa, SUCCESS IS THE REAL ATTRACTIVENESS. Keberhasilan adalah daya tarik yang sesungguhnya. Maka janganlah terlalu sibuk merasa minder karena kurang tampan. 

34. Cinta itu sederhana. Jadilah engkau hanya milikku, dan aku akan menjadi milikmu selamanya. 

35. Dua hal yang tidak pasti dalam keberuntungan adalah DATANGNYA dan PERGINYA. 

36. Kedamaian, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan bukanlah untuk orang yang banyak alasan menghindari belajar dan bekerja. Itu!

37. Tidak ada laki-laki yang bisa sukses tanpa wanita yang baik di sampingnya. Jika bukan istrinya, ibunya, atau keduanya - jika dia sangat beruntung. 

38. Cinta itu sederhana: Aku untukmu, dan engkau untukku. Jika tak mampu untuk itu, jangan bicara cinta. 

39. Tuhan tidak mengharuskan kita sukses, Tuhan hanya mengharapkan kita mencoba 

40. Jangan mencegah kebaikan yang bisa Anda lakukan hanya karena ada orang yang menghina Anda.

41. Memaafkan diri sendiri itu lebih sulit daripada memaafkan orang lain. Teguh

42. Bahasa yang diterima di seluruh dunia adalah kemampuan. 

43. Menangislah dalam deritamu jika engkau ingin menangis, karena air mata adalah doa di saat engkau tak mampu berbicara.

44. Perbuatan salah adalah biasa bagi manusia, tapi perbuatan pura-pura itulah sbenarnya yang mnimbulkan permusuhan dan penghianatan.

45. Kita lebih sering menyesal karena berbicara, daripada karena diam. Orang yang sering menyesal, harus berpikir setidaknya dua kali tentang kebaikan dari yang akan dikatakannya, atau diam. Jika tidak ada yang baik untuk dibicarakan, diamlah. 

46. Jika dia mencintaimu, dia memelihara kedamaian hatimu. Jika dia selalu membuatmu curiga, dia tidak cinta.

47. Berhasil mengalahkan dirimu, menjadikanmu dewasa. Berhasil mengalahkan orang lain, menjadikanmu pemenang. Tapi memberhasilkan orang lainlah yang menjadikanmu pemimpin.

48. Wanita yang menarik, tidak perlu cantik. Wanita yang cantik, belum tentu menarik. 

49. Kalau Anda terus menolak berubah, mengapakah Anda membenci keadaan di mana Anda berada sekarang? Berapa lama lagi Anda akan mempertahankan sikap dan kebiasaan yang selama ini hanya mempersulit diri Anda sendiri?

50. Engkau disebut dewasa jika menyadari bahwa tidak setiap ajakan untuk bertengkar harus dilayani. Dan engkau disebut bijak jika mampu mengatasi pertengkaran melalui kesabaran dan persahabatan.

51. Kebanyakan wanita itu cantik sebelum berbicara. Setelah berbicara, baru terbukti bahwa bahasa adalah penentu daya tarik yang utama. Bahasa yang baik adalah suara hati yang baik.

52. Lebih mungkin bagimu untuk mencapai keberhasilan, jika engkau ingin menjadi orang yang bernilai bagi sesamamu, daripada jika engkau hanya ingin berhasil.

53. Membuat rencana adalah mudah. Membuat rencana yang baik tidak semudah itu. Tapi, yang paling sulit adalah melaksanakan rencana yang sederhana dengan baik.

54. Keuntungan dan kerugian adalah dua sisi dari satu koin yang sama. Terlalu takut rugi sama dengan menjauhi keuntungan.

55. Kebaikan hanya bisa disampaikan dengan kasih sayang. Orang yang hatinya hampa dari kasih sayang, tidak akan mampu berlaku baik, dan dengannya sulit merasa bahagia.
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Kata-Kata Bijak Anime part 2

» Hati yang terluka butuh waktu untuk sembuh. -Kuze Hibiki (Devil Survivor 2)

» Air mata dari hati tidak bisa dihapus begitu saja dengan tisu ini. -Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-0)

» Aku tidak akan melupakan mu, meskipun kamu melupakan ku. -Niche (Tegami Bachi)

» Aku memang tak bisa ungkapkan dengan lantang, tapi dalam benakku tak terhitung berapa banyak namamu kusebut. -Tachibana (Sukitte ii na yo)

» Ketika kamu begitu menyukai orang itu, bisakah kamu berpikir kalo ada peluang ketika dia patah hati? -Shima Katsuki (Clannad After Story)

» Karena tau rasa kesepian, manusia akan menjadi lebih baik. Karena tau rasa sedih, manusia akan menjadi kuat. -Myuto (Princess Tutu)

» Kita harus jujur meski akan menyakiti orang yang berharga bagi kita. Karena dia berharga, makanya harus jujur. -Taishi (Love Drops Story)

» Surat cinta itu tidak ada gunanya jika kamu tak menyampaikan perasaan mu langsung kepada orang yang kamu cintai. -Usagi (Sailor Moon)

» Kamu masih tetap baik. Meskipun kamu ditolak cintanya, kamu masih punya seseorang yang peduli untukmu. -Kaoru (Sakamichi no Apollon)

» Maaf, aku tidak bermaksud menyembunyikan darimu. Hanya saja aku tidak ingin mengatakan jika itu tidak perlu. -Kenshin (Samurai X)

» Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita adalah untuk mencoba. -Jimmy (Jimmy Neutron)

» Saat aku memutuskan melakukan sesuatu, aku akan berusaha sebaik mungkin. -Hori (Horimiya)

» Diam lebih baik daripada mengucapkan kata-kata yang hanya mengandung omong kosong. -Piccolo (Dragon Balk Z Kai)

» Hanya orang bodoh yang mati untuk dirinya sendiri tanpa memikirkan perasaan orang disekitarnya. -Takeru (Rising Sun)

» Kalo kamu tak bisa melakukannya sendiri, lakukanlah bersama yang lainnya. -Endou Mamoru (Inazuma Eleven)

» Daripada menyalahkan diri sendiri lebih baik memperbaiki kesalahan. -Wang Dasian (Metal Fight Beyblade Bakugan)

» Kalo mereka temanmu, mereka tidak akan memanfaatkan kekayaanmu. -Mizutani Shizuku (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun)

» Aku tak punya waktu untuk mengeluh, masih banyak hal yang lebih baik aku lakukan. -Yuu Ominae (Springgan)

» Sesama teman harus saling tolong menolong. -Neptune (Choujigen Game Neptune)

» Terang dan gelap di ciptakan untuk menghargai satu sama lain. -Haruka (Cuticle Detective Inaba)

» Saat perjuangan membuahkan hasil, saat itulah terasa bahwa hidup itu punya arti. -Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket)

» Tidak benar menilai sesuatu dari sampulnya sebelum mengetahui isinya. -Rika (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)

» Seorang pecundang sejati adalah orang yang tak pernah mengakui kesalahannya. -Hiroshi (Crayon Shinchan)

» Pecundang bukanlah orang yang jatuh, tapi pecundang adalah orang yang jatuh tak mau bangkit lagi. -Midorima (Kuroko no Basket)

» Aku tak memiliki kekuatan apapun. Tapi aku akan melakukan yang terbaik dengan caraku sendiri. -Kirito (Sword Art Online)

» Jangan memaksakan diri. Lebih baik kamu berjuang meraih hal yang masih dalam jangkauanmu. -Yoshida Haru (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun)

» Ketika kamu resah memikirkan jalan keluar dari sebuah masalah, kamu tidak boleh putus asa hanya karena gagal memecahkannya. -Maria Ross (FAB)

» Jangan menganggap usaha yang kamu lakukan untuk orang yang kamu cintai itu sia-sia. -Yamato Kurosawa (Sukitte ii na yo)

» Tidak ada orang yang sempurna di dunia ini dan kita juga tidak perlu sempurna untuk menjadi lebih baik. -Hibe (King Quest)

» Tidak peduli seberapa bodoh dan jeleknya kita. Tetaplah menjadi diri sendiri dan jangan herankan apa kata orang kepada kita. -Mater (Cars 2)

» Jangan pernah kehilangan harapan. Jika kamu kehilangan harapan, maka semuanya akan berakhir. -Kanoe Yuuko (Tasogare Otome x Amnesia)

» Pilihlah yang terbaik yang bisa kamu lakukan sekarang agar langkahmu lebih dekat untuk menggapainya. -Tsukitachi (Karneval)

» Jangan cegah orang-orang untuk pergi jika kamu sendiri tidak yakin bisa melindungi mereka atau tidak. -Pinion (Suisei no Gargantia)

 - Source-> http://widyadarablog.blogspot.com/2013/09/kata-kata-mutiara-hati-singkat-anime.html
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Kata-Kata Bijak Anime


Kata-Kata Bijak Anime

1. "Kau pikir hanya dgn berusaha keras kau bisa meraih impian mu? tidak semua kerja keras itu terbayar...itulah logikanya." (Murasakibara ~ KnB)

2. "Membawa harapan tim adalah tugas seorang ace, kalau perlu akan kulewati batasku berapa kali pun." (Kagami ~ KnB)

3. "Ada yang bilang kalau seseorang yang melakukan hal bagus, akan mendapat hal yang bagus, kan."
(Law ~ One Piece)

4. "Di dunia ini hanya ada 2 jenis orang, yaitu yg mempunyai kekuatan untuk menguasai dan yg dikuasai." (Jinsuke ~ gamaran)

5. "Jangan menyerah... tak ada yg memalukan dari jatuh... yg memalukan adalah kalau tidak berdiri lagi" (Midorima ~ KnB)

6. "Jangan menangis, menangis tidak akan merubah apapun, dunia tidak pernah baik pada siapa pun"
(Ciel Phantomhive ~ Black Butler)

7. "Hanya orang bodoh yang mati demi cinta, aku akan bertahan hidup untuk cinta." (Ryo Saeba ~ City Hunter)

8. "Jangan tertipu oleh penampilan luar saja." (smoker ~ one piece)

9. "Kau tidak dapat mencapai apapun jika kau tidak membuat perubahan." (Tachibana ~ Nisekoi)

10. "Tidak ada artinya menyesali yg sudah terjadi." (Sorata ~ Sakurasou no Pet Kanojo)

11. "Hanya org bodoh yg menilai buku dari sampulnya. aku tak peduli soal reputasiku dikalangan org bodoh seperti itu." (Hinata ~ Boku Wa Tomodachi)

12. "Pepatah mengatakan, seseorang yg selalu menang, belum tentu jadi pemenang." (Kuno ~ Ranma 1/2)

13. "Bukan masalah 'baik' atau 'jahat', yg penting adalah bagaimana kau dapat menghasilkan keputusan itu sendiri." (tsunemori ~ psycho pass)

14. "Terkadang, ada sesuatu yg tidak dapat dihentikan oleh ucapan." (Rogue ~ Fairy Tail)

15. "Kau adalah temanku, dan jika kau merasa begitu, bahkan sedikit saja, aku sudah merasa senang." (Misaki ~ Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo)

16. "Dunia ini tidak mengenal atap... Ya, justru karena itulah jadi bermakna." (Takamura Mamoru - Hajime no Ippo)

17. Aku tak akan bilang kau bisa berhasil kalau tak menyerah. tp kalau kau menyerah, maka tak ada apa-apa lagi yang tersisa." (Aomine ~ KnB)

18. "Dalam tim tak ada yg namanya pemain yang tak berguna"(aomine ~ KnB)

19. "Bila kegagalan itu bagai hujan dan keberhasilan bagaikan matahari, maka butuh keduanya untuk melihat pelangi." (Kagome)

20. "Kalau tdk pernah berjuang sampai akhir kita tdk akan pernah melihatnya, walau ada di depan mata." (Marshall D. Teach - One Piece

21. "Lebih baik bergerak sebagai kelompok daripada bertindak atas keinginan sendiri." (Saeko Busujima ~ HOTD)

22. "Kamu tidak perlu mencari 100 teman, cari saja teman sejatimu yg 100 kali lebih berharga darimu" (Yozora ~ Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai)

23. "Keadilan tanpa kekuatan itu kosong. kekuatan tanpa keadilan adalah kekerasan"(Musashi ~ Vagabond)

24. "Kau punya sahabat sejati yg takkan meninggalkanmu maupun menghianatimu. Mereka yg pantas diperjuangkan" (Rita ~ Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo)

25. "Hati wanita memang bisa kau tundukkan, tapi tak akan bisa kau permainkan!" (Sonoko Suzuki - Detective Conan)

26. "Kamu seharusnya tidak menilai orang dari penampilannya." (Natsuki Hagiwara ~ anedoki)

27.  "Kebenaran bkn dilihat dari bentuk luarnya saja. meskipun kita tak bisa mempercayainya, tapi seperti itulah kenyataannya" (Armin ~ SnK)

28.  "Jangan menipu dan mengelabui dirimu sendiri. mereka yg tidak bisa menerima diri mereka yg sebenarnya selalu gagal." (Itachi ~ Naruto)

29.  "Tidak peduli betapa sulitnya mengalahkannya, aku akan tetap berdiri tanpa ada kata menyerah" (Daimon masaru ~ Digimon savers)

30.  "Daripada bersedih tentang masa lalu, lebik baik aku menikmati apa yang terjadi sekarang"(oz ~ Pandora Heart)

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Minato Namikaze part 3

Return of Madara Arc

Succeeding in its main goal of existing, Black Zetsu then proceeded to take Obito's Rinnegan eye to return it to Madara. Minato and Kakashi quickly acted to stop it, to which Black Zetsu responded by merging again with Obito, warning them that his unison with the dying Obito was the only thing still keeping him alive. Minato asks what it is, Black Zetsu responds that he is a manifestation of Madara's will, calling Kakashi and his allies fools for underestimating Madara. Suddenly, the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path emerges from Obito's body. Kakashi quickly uses Kamui on it. As the structure to disappears, Minato asks Kakashi if he succeeded, to which the student declined, having only affected the target's right arm. Black Zetsu attempts to take the Rinnegen eye from Obito's left socket with the Uchiha's own hand, to which Obito just resisted. While Obito tells Kakashi to destroy the left Rinnegan, Black Zetsu informs the Konoha shinobi that the right Rinnegan has already been retrieved and returned to Madara.


The Third Hokage did his best to look out for Naruto but very few were able to detach their hatred of the Nine-Tails from that of Naruto despite Minato's final wish that his son be seen as a hero. The Third forbade anyone from speaking of the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as the rest of the villagers did.[22] He also concealed Naruto's relation to Minato in order to keep him safe from his father's enemies,[77] and otherwise did his best to give Naruto a comfortable life, despite him being an orphan and being ostracised from the rest of the village. For years Naruto did not know his parents' identities, and neither did most of Konoha.
With Minato's death, the Third was forced to resume his position as Hokage, a role he filled until his death, never being able to find a replacement of Minato's calibre. Minato himself became regarded as the village's hero,[78] and, indeed, one of the greatest ninja Konoha had ever produced,[25] so much so that villagers would regret his death when tragedy struck the village years later.[38] Because Minato was never able to tell anyone what happened during the Nine-Tails' attack, villagers came to their own conclusions and the Uchiha were suspected of the act. Jiraiya recognised that Minato would not have sealed the Nine-Tails into his own son unless he had a good reason and that Minato intended Naruto to gain control of the Nine-Tails, but could never conclude why.[79]
Although Naruto had no idea about his relation with Minato most of his life, he greatly admired the Fourth Hokage, considering him a hero who gave his life for the village,[78] showing anger when Tsunade spoke ill of him,[80] and becoming overjoyed whenever Jiraiya or Kakashi mentioned his resemblance to Minato.[7][81] Before Naruto left Konoha to begin his training with Jiraiya, he looked at the Fourth Hokage's carved head and asked him to look after him.[82] After learning the truth about his relation to Minato and despite the shock that his own father made him a jinchūriki, Naruto was proud to be the Fourth Hokage's son.[83] Years after his death, Killer B was surprised when he learned Minato created a technique similar to the Tailed Beast Ball: the Rasengan.[54]


Naruto Shippūden 4: The Lost Tower

Twenty years in the past, Minato was assigned a secret mission alongside Shibi Aburame and Chōza Akimichi to intervene in the crisis in Rōran, where a Sunagakure missing-nin from the future calledMukade is building a Puppet Army using the power of the Ryūmyaku, an ancient chakra flow deep underground the city, and plans to change the future to his favour, conquering the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Minato asks the Third Hokage's permission to bring his student, Kakashi Hatake, and the Hokage agrees.

Minato Lost Tower
Minato as depicted in the movie.

When they arrive in Rōran, Minato and his Team save Naruto from Mukade's puppets. Realising that the boy is also from the future, Minato tells Naruto to leave the city until they finish their mission, trying to keep him in the dark so the future won't be changed. However, Naruto ends up saving the Queen of Rōran, Sāra and attacks Minato, thinking they are the ones after her life. As a result, Minato decides to tell Naruto the truth about their mission and that Mukade arrived six years before Naruto, changed his name into Anrokuzan and has become the Minister of Rōran. Naruto recognises Minato's face and tells him he looks just like the Fourth Hokage. While Shibi claims that it is impossible, because their Hokage is still the Third, Minato asks Naruto to stop talking about the future. Sāra doesn't believe in them and runs off to prove Anrokuzan's innocence. Minato tells Naruto to protect Sāra while they look for Mukade and gives Naruto one of his Flying Thunder God Kunai.
When Naruto and Sāra try to fight Anrokuzan on the city's underground, Minato and his Team reappear and help Naruto while Sāra saves the men Mukade kidnapped to build his Puppet Army and takes them and their families to the Garden of Ryūmyaku, where they'll be safe.
Mukade fuses with his puppets, becoming a giant puppet monster using the Ryūmyaku's power. To stop Mukade from regenerating, Sāra must stop the flow of the Ryūmyaku in the Source of the Ryūmyakuwhile Naruto and Minato fight off Mukade. Naruto attacks Mukade with the Rasengan, shocking Minato, but is unable to defeat Mukade. Out of chakra and exhausted, Naruto is saved by Minato who tells him to attack Mukade's weak point with the Rasengan once Sāra stops the Ryūmyaku's flow. Naruto answers that he's out of chakra but Minato tells him he'll lend him his. Naruto tells him that it is impossible, because the Rasengan is a technique that the Fourth Hokage completed and that only he and Jiraiya can use, to which Minato replies that is why he can do it, having not only realised that he would be the Fourth Hokage but also that Naruto was his child. Since they have similar chakra, their Rasengans resonate and fuse together, creating the Supreme Ultimate Rasengan and defeating Mukade.

Supreme Ultimate Rasengan
Naruto and Minato's Supreme Ultimate Rasengan.

After Minato seals off the Ryūmyaku completely, Naruto and Yamatobegin to glow because the time flow has come back to normal and they must return to their own time. So the future won't be changed, Minato decides to erase everybody's memories. However, Naruto tells Minato that he has to talk to him, but Minato refuses, telling Naruto that they'll meet again. Naruto persists and tells Minato that if they don't talk now, he'll never have the chance. As Minato prepares to send them back to the future, Naruto begins to ask if he could possibly be his father. Minato interrupts him and tells him that if he ever had a son, he wished he would be brought up a ninja just like Naruto, to which Naruto smiles and sheds tears of joy, before being sent back to the future. Minato used a technique to wipe everyone's memory so it wouldn't affect the future.

Naruto 6: Road to Ninja

In the alternate timeline of this movie, Minato is still alive, as is his wife Kushina. However, he never became the Fourth Hokage; instead Sakura Haruno's father Kizashi earned this title. Also, Minato and Kushina have a son named Menma who becomes the jinchūriki of Kurama. While essentially the same as his real-world counterpart (kind, courageous and dutiful), this Minato, being a family man, values his family's safety above all else, choosing to put their well-being before all others.


  • "Minato" means "harbour" (港) and "Namikaze" means "waves and wind" (波風).
  • Minato's silhouette can be faintly seen in the background of the Naruto Shippūden third openingstanding behind Naruto and Sora and under the Nine-Tails, in reference to its attack on Konohathat binds all four characters.
  • Minato and Kushina died on the same day Naruto was born, which was October 10.
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Minato's hobby was reading; Jiraiya's novels were his favourite.
    • Minato wished to fight Jiraiya.
    • Minato's favourite food was Kushina's homemade cooking.
    • Minato completed 847 official missions in total: 122 D-rank, 147 C-rank, 216 B-rank, 323 A-rank, 39 S-rank.
    • Minato's favourite phrase was "The fire's shadow illuminates the village" (火の影は里を照らす,Hi no kage wa sato o terasu).
  • Minato ranked ninth in the sixth Naruto character popularity poll and seventh in the seventh poll.
  • In Naruto Shippūden 4: The Lost Tower, Minato's chakra appears to be a light green colour, as opposed to the normal blue.
  • In Hidden Leaf Village Grand Sports Festival!, Minato suddenly appears in the hallway of the stadium when Naruto is running to the toilets. All of these appearances in this special were only for the comical effect.

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Minato Namikaze part 2

He was later even able to warp away a Tailed Beast Ball of larger proportions created by the Ten-Tails,[62] and was able to teleport things even as large as the Nine-Tails itself, albeit at the cost of a large portion of his chakra due to the beast's immense size.[63] By working in conjunction with another Flying Thunder God user, he can instantly swap places with said person and any enemy they bring along, in order to allow attacks to connect with the target.


Fox Key
The key to the Nine-Tails' seal.

Minato was highly skilled in fūinjutsu, which is due partially to Kushina teaching him some of the Uzumaki clan's unique sealing techniques.[64]He could perform the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal opponents at the cost of his own soul being sealed as well. However, he was fully aware that he could not completely seal all of the Nine-Tails' chakra within the death god. Minato could also perform a seal to remove an opponent's control over the respective creature brought by the Summoning Technique.[65]
One of the greatest examples of his prowess with fūinjutsu is the seal used on Naruto to make him a jinchūriki, placing two Four Symbols Seal to create the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, which would allow small amounts of the Nine-Tails' chakra to leak out and naturally mix with Naruto's own [66] as well as set parameters so that if the seal weakened, he would appear within Naruto's sub-conscience to reinforce it.

Summoning Technique

Bunta smash
Minato summons Gamabunta to stop Kurama.

In his youth, Jiraiya taught Minato how to use the Summoning Techniqueto summon toads. He was able to summon Gamabunta, showing considerably large reserves of chakra in doing so, and was one of the few people that Gamabunta would willingly cooperate without hesitation.[67]He could use the Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique for a devastating surprise attack that could even pin powerful large targets like the Nine-Tails down.


Minato was shown to be very intuitive and clever from a young age. Of the many ninja sent out to save Kushina from her Kumogakure kidnappers, Minato was the only one to notice the trail of hair she was leaving.[39] After seeing a technique once, he could correctly deduce the basic mechanics behind it, such as the strengths and weaknesses of Kakashi's Chidori.[68] During his skirmish against the masked man, he was able to determine that his opponent didn't want to drag on their fight as he could not keepKurama summoned for very long, as well as quickly ascertain a method of counter-attacking. Using this information, he was able to take advantage of Tobi's haste to not only wound him, but also remove his control over the beast as well.[69][70]

Other Skills

Minato could detect the presence of people within an area by simply placing his finger on the ground.[71] Minato was also skilled in transferring chakra and could even adapt it to another person's own chakra, as seen when he placed some of Kushina's and his own chakra within Naruto so that they could see him when he was older, and assist him in dealing with Kurama.[72][73] He is also adept at usingbarrier ninjutsu, capable of erecting a Kage-calibre barrier powerful enough to trap the Ten-Tails.[74] He can also use the Shadow Clone Technique.[75]

Part II

For most of the series, Minato was only referred to in passing. Later, in Part II, he began appearing in flashbacks.

Invasion of Pain Arc

Minato & Naruto
Minato placing his trust in Naruto.

It was not until the Invasion of Pain that he made an actual appearance in the story. When Naruto started to give into the temptation of power from the Nine-Tails and was about to release the beast, the imprint of Minato stopped him. Minato voiced his dislike of seeing the Nine-Tails again, but pointed out that its actions had allowed him to see his son once more. Naruto eventually picked up on what Minato was saying, and was overjoyed to finally find out who his father was. Minato tried to talk with Naruto, but the Nine-Tails kept interrupting the conversation, angered at the presence of the Fourth Hokage, so Minato transported them to another space that was quieter. Naruto was outraged at the idea that Minato would seal the Nine-Tails into his own son, which Minato apologised for. Naruto punched him in anger but quickly got over it, claiming that as his son, he could handle it.
Because he had a limited amount of time to talk to Naruto, Minato briefly caught up with him, at the same time indicating that he knew that Pain had killed Jiraiya and was aware of Konoha's destruction as he saw it through Naruto. He expressed his suspicions that Pain was actually being manipulated by someone else due to his childhood psychological traumas, and that it was "The masked man of the Akatsuki" who really wished Konoha's destruction. He went onto suggest that, as long as the current ninja system exists, people like Pain, who were ruined by war will continue to exist. He restored the seal on Naruto's stomach and voiced his confidence in him that he would find a way to stop the vicious cycle of death and destruction before disappearing to the afterlife.

Chikara Arc

Main article: Chikara ArcIn the anime, Minato restored Naruto's seal once more when the latter almost lost control after his clone absorbed his Nine-Tails chakra. Once again, Minato voiced his confidence in his son, and his ability to overcome this adversity.[76]

Ten-Tails Revival Arc

Hokage Reincarnated
Minato is reincarnated alongside his predecessors.

In Sasuke Uchiha's quest for answers, Minato's soul was freed from within the Shinigami and subsequently reincarnated by Orochimaru along with the three Hokage that preceded him, using Zetsu's sporeclones as sacrifices.
Shocked to find himself in this state, Minato questioned Orochimaru about how he was able to break the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. Greeted with the question of who he was, Minato proudly brandished the emblem on the back of his haori, letting the First and Second know that he was the person who had inherited the title of Fourth Hokage, pleasing Hashirama who took this as a sign of the village's stability, though Minato admitted he could not say anything about that as he had actually died before Hiruzen had. He later sheepishly told Hashirama that his sealing inside of the Shinigami was due to a different incident than Hiruzen coming to be there. Upon Hashirama's reaction on learning that Tsunade had inherited the title of Fifth Hokage, Minato could not help but ask if he was worried, but Hashirama simply laughed his concern off, noting that he had spoiled the Fifth quite a bit when she was a child.

Hokage's set out
Minato and the other reincarnated Hokage prepare to head out to the battlefield.

After the exchange between an outraged Tobirama, who was ready to retaliate after hearing Sasuke declare that he may exact his revenge on the village, and Hashirama, who had to forcefully stop his brother, Minato marvelled at the fact that something so simple had almost caused theNaka Shrine to cave-in. Upon hearing that Madara had been reincarnated on the battlefield and about the Fourth Shinobi World War, Minato soon felt Naruto and Kurama's chakra on the battlefield, and was elated that his son had managed to achieve what he had hoped he would when he sealed the beast inside him. After Hashirama completed his story, and Hiruzen lamented that he had been too indulging a Hokage, Minato told the Third that he had done the best he could have given the circumstances. He lamented that he had failed as a Hokage, having died during the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, which left his reign woefully short and falling short of all the expectations which had been heaped upon him. Nevertheless, when Sasuke had made his decision to protect Itachi's sacrifice, the four Hokages and their new-found allies moved to the outside of the Naka Shrine where, upon Hashirama's behest, took his place upon his bust on the Hokage Monument. Minato expressed excitement in finally being able to meet his son as well as bringing him a present to make up for not being able to be there for him as a father.

Hokage arrive
Minato and the other Hokage arrive on the battlefield.

Arriving on the battlefield just in time to warp the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball away, he managed to save Naruto and the remainder of the Shinobi Alliance. There he greeted his son — enquiring whether or not he was too late — to which Naruto happily responded that he was right on time. Introducing himself to Sakura, Minato also noted that they needed to brace themselves for impact. Just then, the ocean behind them rose up, leading Minato to first explain that he had sent the Tailed Beast Ball out to sea and then that though he was reincarnated, he was on their side. Curious, as he thanked Sakura for healing his son, he also asked whether she was his girlfriend. Sakura's subsequent violent response to Naruto's answer reminded Minato of Kushina. With this the other Hokage arrived on the battlefield and launched into action immediately, at Hashirama's behest. Minato then entered his own Nine-Tails Chakra Mode using the Yin chakra he took from Kurama's being, telling the other Hokage that he had already marked the location. With the Hokage moving to their designated location, Minato and the other Hokage used the Four Red Yang Formation technique to trap the beast as they prepare their counter attack. Minato later is impressed by Naruto changing the "nature" of the Rasengan after seeing the Rasenshuriken.

Minato and Obito
Minato attacks Obito.

Minato's attention was later called to the once masked man's cries atop the Ten-Tails. Realising that Madara was controlling the newcomer with his chakra so that he could revive himself. As others around him sprung into action to stop this from happening. Minato then created a shadow clone and was able to teleport directly to where the newcomer was, and is shocked to see that it was his former student Obito. With realisation dawned on him, as he realised that Obito had been responsible for the attack on Konoha by the Nine-Tails. Noting that the Flying Thunder God marking never disappears as Sasuke arrived. Obito falls to the ground, and they turned their attention to Madara. However Obito who is still alive used the opportunity to seal the Ten-Tails within himself, finally achieving his goal of becoming the beast's jinchūriki.
As the shell fell away, Obito's new form was revealed. His appearance changed somewhat drastically, causing Minato to comment that this was too odd. As Obito surveyed the battlefield wide-eyed, he created several chakra arms and destroyed the Four Red Yang Formation sending the real Minato and the other Hokage reeling. As Minato called out for him to stop, in response to this, Obito simply sounded out his own name, as if it were unfamiliar to him.

Mianto and Obito clash
Minato clashes with Obito once again.

Shocked to see Obito attack the First and Second with such speed, Minato nevertheless heeded Tobirama's command to get away from the area. Flying Gamakichi and the others to a safer distance, Minato noted how quick Tobirama was to act and watched on as the Second used hisMutually Multiplying Explosive Tags in an attempt to incapacitate Obito. When this did not work, Minato noted to Sasuke that while the Hokage were in fact fighting to reveal Obito's abilities, their reincarnated bodies would take some time to reconstruct and such needed to buy some time. Teleporting his clone to his side, Minato noted that while it had been some time since he had used it, he would attack with the Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Participate Formula‎ technique but before he was able to do so, he noticed Obito's upper half was about to attack Naruto. Just before he was about to teleport to his son's aid, Sasuke arrived using Susanoo and diverted the attack, at the same time, Minato, unaware, was sent reeling by Obito's apparently vulnerable lower half. Later when both Naruto and Sasuke were attacked by his former student, Minato anxiously prepared to fly to their location, hoping that he would make it in time.
Unable to teleport to Sasuke and Naruto's aid as it appeared that the seal for the Flying Thunder God Technique had disappeared from Obito's body, Minato was able to teleport the boys to safety thanks to Naruto's quick thinking to use chakra arms to connect himself and Sasuke to Minato. Proud that his son was keeping up with Sasuke, he once again turned his attention to Obito, noting that they needed to defeat him while he was still struggling to control the beast. As Minato prepared to attack Obito, the latter fired off an attack of his own causing Minato to go on the defensive instead. The group is shocked to see the attack stop short of them and expand, then contract again before attacking Obito's body. Back on the offensive, Minato made his way to Obito, remembering how his pupil was as a child, he called out to him noting that he was on his way. Minato is later shocked to see Obito's form change and the now in control Uchiha in turn attacked his former sensei. Though his arm is ripped off, Minato teleported back to what he thought was safe at the moment only to realise that Obito had attached some of the mysterious substance to his body.

Hiraishin Mawashi1
Minato and Tobirama initiate the Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique.

Deciding that he would teleport away from Sasuke and Naruto to protect them from the attack, Minato is shocked to see Tobirama grab the orb before he does. As the orb expanded some distance away from them, the real Tobirama appeared noting that it was a clone who had teleported to Obito with the orb. Upon seeing Obito resurface unscathed, the team prepared yet another counter-attack but before he and Tobirama can act, Sasuke and Naruto rushed forward adamant that they would create an opening for the Hokage to attack. As Tobirama called him to action, Minato also marked Tobirama with his Flying Thunder God seal noting that the technique they were about to use would benefit from their immortal bodies. Teleporting himself in front of Naruto and Sasuke's attack and with Tobirama at Obito's location, the two Hokage use the Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique to switch places causing Obito to be struck by an attack that had struck Minato earlier. With this, the jinchūriki's body is set ablaze by the flames.
Watching as his former student was set ablaze, Minato was surprised to see the mysterious orbs head towards Obito's location but Tobirama — who teleported to Minato's side — noted that their attack had landed before he was able to protect himself. This too would also prove to be futile as Obito emerged from the flames barely scathed. As they began readjusting their strategy, Tobirama noted that Minato's right arm had not regenerated yet and surmised that Obito was using Yin-Yang Releaase to nullify the Impure World Reincarnation. Though chided by Tobirama for acting without thinking, Minato later called out to Obito to remember his dream of becoming Hokage but the latter decried not only the position, but Minato for his failings leading Minato to spiral into a bout of self doubt, blaming the course which followed the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha on himself. His son, however, noted that Obito should not look down on someone who had attained the post of Hokage, and as Tobirama teleported his progeny above Obito to deliver a fatal blow, an astounded Minato realised that his son had also attained Sage Mode like his sensei. As Minato looked on amazed, the Yin half of Kurama sealed within him notes that Naruto's speech was enough to move even it.

Fists bumping
Minato and his son join forces with their tailed beasts.

Listening on in some shock as the beast told Minato to discard Obito's words and not leave his son to correct the past. When Obito erected agiant tree in their midst which began to form four Tailed Beast Balls and later when his former student trapped them within a barrier, Minato told the Second that due to his current state he would only be able to teleport one of the balls at best but noted that there was another way to handle their current situation. Before he could initiate this counter-measure, his son told him that he had a plan of his own, and listening on as he rebutted Obito's attempt to berate his father, Minato thought of his wife and noted that their son had grown so much before bumping fists with his son and responding emphatically.
As they bumped fists, the father-son duo meld the chakra of the halves of Kurama they each had stored inside them. As they discuss the strategy in their inner world, Minato could not help but marvel at his son's growth, and noted with remorse that he must have endured some hardships growing up, though Naruto simply brushed these aside and tells his father that the only hardship was the task at hand. Naruto's plan allowed Minato to connect himself, via Naruto, to all the other members of the Alliance whom had previously been given Kurama's altered chakra, and teleport them outside of the barrier. When praised by the Second, Minato notes that this was only a start to his atonement for his mistakes and noted to his son that he would like to speak to him a bit longer. Dumbfounded when Naruto told him there was no need as both his and Kushina's feelings had all been conveyed to him already, Minato cannot help but tear up at the man his son had become.

Obito assaulted by Kuramas
Minato and Naruto attack Obito in Tailed Beast Mode.

Noting how similar fighting alongside Naruto was to fighting next to Kushina, Minato admired Naruto's courage in light of the situation. However, when Naruto entered Tailed Beast Mode and charged off, Minato could not help but wonder if it wasn't for all the wrong reasons after his son had to be reminded by Tobirama that only senjutsu-based attacks would work. Following Yin-Kurama's lead, Minato also donned a Tailed Beast Mode mantle of his own to provide support for his son on the battlefield. He immediately produced a giant Rasengan, having Naruto feed natural energy into it, while Tobirama teleported the two of them to Obito. Obito, however, managed to block the attack, sending both men reeling backwards. As Naruto and Minato then tried to perform asage-enhanced Tailed Beast Ball, Obito extracts the Ten-Tails to begin his Eye of the Moon Plan.
As the beast begins to transform into an enormous tree, assuming its final form, Naruto and Minato looked on in shock while trying to evade the giant roots. Minato was able to retreat to Tobirama's side and as the Second tried to destroy the rapidly regenerating roots, Minato noted that his chakra levels were too depleted to teleport to Naruto's aid. As his son is saved by Hiruzen and they are all teleported some distance away, Minato looked on as his former student declared that they should all stop struggling as the giant tree began unfolding its flower.
As Minato surveyed the devastation on the battlefield, through Ino Yamanaka's Mind Body Transmission Technique, Minato was able to see his son's memories and experience his feelings of loss as he grew up after Naruto donned his Tailed Beast Mode mantle. Solemnly Minato looked on as an image of him and Kushina flashed through his son's memories. Seeing Naruto regain his resolve, Minato and Naruto connected themselves to one another so that Yin-Kurama could transfer more chakra to the duo, returning the Fourth Hokage to his normal state. As he watches Naruto go off, Minato he silently puts his faith in his son. Though weakened somewhat, he later assisted the Alliance in their attack on the Shinju by allowing Tobirama to use him as a medium to teleport the shinobi out of harm's way on the battlefield, so they could fight without reservation. Later assisting his son in wresting control if the tailed beasts' chakra from Obito, Minato used a chakra arm to grab onto the chakra if the beasts while manifesting nine tendril-like tails which allowed the members of the Alliance to form an anchor of sort as well as aid in the tug-of-war.
As Obito lays defeated and helpless, Kakashi suddenly teleports on top of the fallen Uchiha, determined to strike him down. Minato quickly intervenes. As Kakashi is shocked by the appearance of his late sensei, Minato explains that much like his late wife Kushina, Naruto's persistent scolding finally reached Obito. Deciding to deal with his former students personally, Minato tells Naruto and the others to go aid the First Hokage against Madara.
Turning his attention to where the defeated Obito laid, Minato surmised that with the tailed beasts extracted, Obito would soon die. Yin Kurama, however, informed Minato that Obito's life was in no danger because even as a shell, the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path is filled with life energy, meaning Obito will only be temporarily paralysed. Having agreed to keep watch over Obito as Kakashi departed, Minato was shocked when Obito formed a hand seal and noted that was going to use the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, sacrificing his life to make amends for his transgressions. They are later shocked when Black Zetsu emerged from underground, merged with Obito and forced him to use the technique to revive Madara instead.

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